Monday, September 14, 2015

Almost Perfect

Chris has this habit of saying "Great, it's almost perfect" when he's working on something. I have discovered that this could mean anything from "It's not ruined" to "It nearly fits". Unfortunately, those who have been reading this blog will know that three years ago, the boat was Almost finished.

A couple of days ago, Chris declared the knees for the seats were almost perfect. Today, while Chris sanded the inside of the boat in preparation for the application of 8 coats of clear varnish, I decided to have a go at the knees with a rasp and various grades of sand paper. I spent about 2 hours on a single knee and ended up with this.

This is an almost finished knee, it just needs another rub down with very fine sandpaper, a few coats of varnish, final fitting to the boat, drilling and mounting.

Oh, and there are three more of the damned things.

Thinking about this, I decided there is a whole vocabulary of terminology I should explain to our faithful followers.

PROCRASTASAURUS (Or, words we use to describe how the boat still isn't finished)

Almost Perfect : It looks vaguely like intended and isn't broken.
Almost Finished : Nowhere near complete, requires hours of effort, and then 8 coats of varnish..
It's not an exact science : It doesn't fit.
Oops : I've chopped an important piece of wood in half by mistake.
When we build our next boat : We worked out how to do it just after we'd done it wrong.
Perfect : Actually pretty good, probably by accident rather than design.
F*cking B*ll&cky C#nt W$nk@r!!!!! : I've hurt my finger.

And lastly, whenever we have a difficult job that could potentially, although probably not, be solved with an expensive power tool, we declare "Selfish git!". This is a reference to my mate Brendan who has emigrated to Australia, taking all of his tools with him. (Not all of them, I still have his jigsaw).

Anyway, when we build our next boat......

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