Sunday, August 14, 2011

Photo Blog - Turnover part one.

This entry will be largely dominated by photo's of the big turnover, cos we took a lot.

The garage has never been so tidy.

Here she is, covered in epoxy. The garage is clean and for those who have been following the blog, you'll recognise Harry's bike in the foreground.

Below is a last look at her upside down. Note the classic wine glass shape of the transom.

Chris and I spent the penultimate evening cleaning the garage and unscrewing the molds from the Strongback. Oh, and we built some supports for when she was the right way up. The big day was a busy one as Chris prepared food and Harry and I cleaned the bbq. Oh, and I went to get some sponge and calico (I'll explain later). We had invited the masters rowers, and anyone who was paying attention to the blog.
"Hands on!"
As you can see, Chris is talking and although you can't see it, I am under the boat working. No surprises there. The moment of truth was captured on video, but I think Chris has it, so you'll have to wait.
Click on the link - its a time-lapse gif (two seconds a frame).

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